Sunday, October 31, 2010

葡萄酒酿造 . . .

Country Winemaking: basic method (葡萄酒酿造)

“The basic method of making a country wine from fruit is as follows:-
1. Crush or chop the fruit into a white plastic bucket.
2. Add 2 litres of cold water and a campden tablet, stir and leave for 24 hours.
3. Add sugar, yeast, Super Enzyme and additives into the bucket and leave in a warm place to ferment for 5 days.
4. Strain the contents into a clean demijohn, and if needed, top up with water to reach 4.5 litres (1 gallon)
5. Ferment in the demijohn until fermentation has completed.
6. Add a campden tablet and potassium sorbate to stop any yeast activity and leave in a warm place for 4 days under airlock protection.
7. Syphon wine off sediment and add Vin Clear (or other) finings and leave in a cool place to clear.
You could then, 7 days later, use a Vinbrite filter kit to produce a brilliantly clear wine.
8. Carefully syphon into clean bottles and fit corks and labels. ”

我是用传统的 “做酒酿子” 的办法 “酿制” 也行得通, 不过不能和从超市买来的 “葡萄酒” 相比较, “花钱买个乐趣” 罢了。

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