Monday, August 11, 2008

悠 …

“明年的度假计划 ”: 对那些打算明年 ( 即: 2008 – 2009 年度 ) 度假的,有如下之可能选择

希腊的扎哥里 ( Zagori ) 或 江苏的赣榆
瑞士的汝拉山 ( Jura Mountain )或 夏威夷
博茨瓦纳的卡拉哈里 ( Kgalagadi )
西班牙的萨拉戈萨 ( Zaragoza )

注: 如果对以上的某地点感兴趣的话,可与 “新隐士” 圈 ( ) 的成员联系。


Sunday, August 10, 2008

中国男人精子问题严重 ... ( 专家称 )

专家称: 中国男人精子问题严重, 60年数量下降62% (长篇连载之一)

“如果再这样下去, 50年后人类就要断子绝孙了!” 2008年07月22日, 卫生部中日友好医院男科主任医师、 从事了15年精子质量研究的曹兴午教授在接受 《生命时报》 记者采访时忧心地说。曹教授之所以这样说, 是因为近来, 国内精子库精源短缺的消息也频频见诸报端, 原因之一就是捐精者的精子质量不合格。 有报道称,上海志愿捐精者的合格率不超过21%, 河南精子库的捐献合格率在22%左右, 而北京精子库的统计数字则显示,初步筛选能够提取样本的人数不到一半, 最后能成为合格供精志愿者的只有15%左右。 “现在男性精子质量下降非常严重, 可是人们对此却毫不重视。” 人类精子库本来就是不育患者的最后一线希望, 如今它也出现了问题, 难道人类真会因此而消亡?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

侃侃而谈 ( “婀厢闺” 第十夜 )

问: Best thing about your neighbourhood?
韩某 (40岁,男,望京,北漂艺人) 答: It’s very close to my studio and lots of other artists live there too.

问: How has Beijing changed since you’ve been living here?
韩: I think Beijing is getting better and better, especially the nightlife. Also, I think Beijingers have changed. They’re more open now and less conservative than before. Young people in Beijing put the same emphasis on work and pleasure now; before it was all about work.

问: What do you think of the way so much of Beijing’s heritage has been demolished?
韩: I think it’s a pity that the hutong are disappearing, but it’s an inevitable part of China’s progress.

问: Favourite historic site?
韩: The Forbidden City. Although, I don’t think it has much to do with people’s lives now.

问: Favourite street snack?
韩: I’m from Sichuan and the street food you get there is much better than anything you can find in Beijing.

问: Best and worst things about living in Beijing?
韩: The best thing is the chance to have cultural exchanges with other artists from abroad. The worst things are the weather and the pollution. But I don’t worry about it too much.

Friday, August 8, 2008

侃侃而谈 ( “香月闺 ”第一夜 )

问: How long have you been in Beijing?
王某 (25岁,男,北京东城区,民工): I came to Beijing five years ago to make money. I’m from a small village in Hebei province where there isn’t much opportunity to earn a good living, so by coming to Beijing I hope to make my fortune.

问: What sort of jobs have you had since you’ve been in Beijing?
王: At first, I worked delivering coal. That was the most difficult job I’ve had. After that, I was a sanitation worker for an apartment block. Now, I’m an assistant to a wedding photographer.

问: What’s the worst thing about Beijing?
王: The vast gap between the rich and poor. I think there’s a very clear difference between the people who are well-off in Beijing and migrant workers like me. They live separate lives to us.

问: Favourite historical site?
王: I’ve only been to Tiananmen Square and Zhongshan Park. I’d like to visit the Forbidden City, but I can’t afford it.